Cinnamon Full Moon Wealth Ritual: Manifest Abundance with Cinnamon Ritual for Money

Have you ever found yourself staring at the captivating full moon, feeling a sense of awe and wonder? That celestial beauty has long been associated with manifestation and abundance rituals. But what if I told you about a simple yet powerful ritual that harnesses the energy of the full moon and the warm, spicy scent of cinnamon to attract wealth and prosperity into your life?

The Cinnamon Full Moon Wealth Ritual is an ancient practice that has been passed down through generations, and today, I’m going to share its secrets with you.

A Glimpse into the Past

Before we delve into the ritual itself, let me take you on a journey through its rich history. This practice dates back to ancient times when our ancestors recognized the powerful connection between the phases of the moon and the ebb and flow of life on Earth.

In many cultures, the full moon was revered as a time of heightened energy, fertility, and manifestation. It was believed that during this phase, the veil between the physical and spiritual realms thinned, allowing us to tap into the universe’s abundant energy more easily.


The Cinnamon Connection

Now, you might be wondering, “What does cinnamon have to do with this ritual?” Well, my friend, cinnamon has been revered for centuries as a potent symbol of wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

In ancient times, cinnamon was a highly prized and expensive spice, traded along the legendary Silk Road. Its warm, inviting aroma was thought to attract positive energy and abundance into one’s life.

The Ritual Unveiled

Now, let’s dive into the heart of the matter – the Cinnamon Full Moon Wealth Ritual itself. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • A cinnamon stick or cinnamon powder
  • A small dish or bowl
  • A green candle (representing growth and prosperity)
  • A pen and paper

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Set the Stage: Find a quiet, peaceful space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed. Cleanse the area with sage or your preferred method to create a sacred, positive atmosphere.
  2. Align with the Moon: On the night of the full moon, step outside and bask in its radiant glow. Take a few deep breaths and connect with the moon’s energy, visualizing abundance and prosperity flowing into your life.
  3. Ignite the Candle: Light the green candle, representing growth and prosperity. As the flame dances, focus your intention on attracting wealth and abundance into all aspects of your life.
  4. Invoke the Cinnamon Charm: If using a cinnamon stick, hold it in your hands and visualize it as a conduit for abundance. If using cinnamon powder, sprinkle it into the bowl, allowing its warm, spicy aroma to fill the air.
  5. Write Your Intentions: On the paper, write down your specific intentions for attracting wealth and prosperity. Be as detailed as possible, but ensure your intentions are positive and harm none.
  6. Seal the Ritual: Once you’ve written your intentions, fold the paper and place it near the candle and cinnamon. Visualize your desires manifesting and abundance flowing into your life.
  7. Give Thanks: Express gratitude to the universe for the abundance you’re about to receive. Thank the moon for its guidance and the cinnamon for its magical charm.
  8. Let it Go: When you’re ready, safely extinguish the candle and keep the written intentions in a sacred space until the next full moon.

Embracing Abundance

As you incorporate this ritual into your life, remember that manifestation is a journey. Trust the process, and have faith that the universe is conspiring in your favor.

Embrace the magic of the Cinnamon Full Moon Wealth Ritual, and watch as abundance flows into your life like a gentle stream, nourishing every aspect of your existence.

Now, I invite you to share your experiences with this ritual. Have you tried it before? What manifestations have you witnessed? Let’s create a community of abundance and support one another on this beautiful journey.

Until next time, may the full moon’s radiance illuminate your path, and may the warmth of cinnamon fill your life with prosperity beyond measure.

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